Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Fan Fiction Frenzy Contest!

And the Winners Are....

Wow, this was our first contest and we didn't expect all of you to get as involved as you did but you guys were writing stories like it was your JOB!

We had lots of great entries and great turn out from the participating fandoms. We'd like to thank the iCarly, Twilight and Bones fandoms for being involved and so very supportive. Participation is key here at You Write What?! and we're grateful you have all found something here worth participating in.

The entries were all posted and votes tallied so we are pleased to announce the winners.

iCarly Fandom
Winning Author: bandgrad2008
Story: Heartbeat

Twilight Fandom
Winning Author: BellaClary
Story: Don't You Remember

Bones Fandom
Winning Author: dharmamonkey
Story: Killing Two Birds

We wish we had some sort of cool prize to offer (besides bragging rights) but it's not possible right now. But as we get bigger...who knows?!

Thanks again to ALL the writers who participated. We wish you all the best and hope to see you all in our next contest!

Fandom Love & Peace
The You Write What?! Staff


This is going to be good. Can't wait to jump in.

When will you announce the iCarly winner?


Original Fiction/Non-Fiction by Fan Fic Writers

How to Write Fan Fiction
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